The investigation of open source information or "Open-Source Intelligence" (OSINT) involves the collection, analysis and correlation of public data. This type of activity is performed to obtain information about individuals and organizations, in order to identify possible confidential data exposed on the Internet, fraudulent transactions, potential terrorist threats, brand/identity impersonation, attack vectors, and more. Real - time Training sessions

Skills acquired by completing the course:

  • The ability to identify public data leaks and compromised accounts
  • The ability to identify documents and confidential information exposed on the Internet
  • The ability to identify vulnerabilities through passive search
  • Geolocation capabilities through document and photo metadata
  • OSINT configuration and automation skills through SpiderFoot

Meet your trainer

Cristian Cornea


Cristian has a broad and multifaceted expertise, from Web Application Penetration Testing to Cloud Security Audits. Certified with prestigious diplomas such as OSCE, OSED, OSWE, CREST CRT, OSEP, OSCP, CEH, CompTIA PenTest+, ECIH, CPTC, and others. Recognized for ethically reporting vulnerabilities by many major organizations such as the Pentagon, Sony, AT&T, General Motors, Adobe, Swiss Post, and more. Cristian served as a trainer for multiple governmental and private institutions on an international level, such as Military Units in Poland, the U.S. Army, Government Entities in Slovenia, and many others. Simultaneously, Cristian was a speaker at multiple globally recognized conferences in the cyber security industry. Some examples are: BSides, Cyber Security Congress Barcelona, DefCamp, HEK Slovenia, HackTheZone, RSTCon.

Course curriculum

    1. THEORETICAL MODULE: Introduction to OSINT

    2. PRACTICAL MODULE: Using Search Engines for OSINT

    3. PRACTICAL MODULE: Using Social Media for OSINT

    4. PRACTICAL MODULE: Identifying data leaks on the Internet using OSINT

    5. PRACTICAL MODULE: Collecting and analyzing public source code

    6. PRACTICAL MODULE: Automating OSINT through SpiderFoot

About this course

  • 390 lei (or aprox. 80 EUR)
  • 8 h/ 2 Days /2 sessions
  • online, real-time trainer
    Level: Beginner

Enroll today to OSINT